Leveraging News And Informational Media To Build Your Brand’s Credibility, Authority, And Name Recognition ™
Protecting Your Market
When your competitor launches a new product or employs an aggressive or predatory pricing practice or strategy, this can potentially threaten your market share or invade your established customer base. It becomes immediately incumbent upon you to take action through either positive or negative countermeasures. An example of a positive countermeasure would be offering to meet or beat a competitor’s price, or to tout a better or comparable product innovation by your company. An example of a negative countermeasure would be the denouncing of your competitor’s product as being less than adequate, or the proclamation that your competitor’s pricing strategy is merely a short-term “bait and switch” type of deceit. NXP creates and expediently implements protective tactics and strategies (preferably positive ones) to protect your customer base and your share of the market when you’ve come under assault by a competitor.